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UK-based Biotech research firm Bactobio
The team at Bactobio were pondering reworking their previous website because the team felt it wasn't hitting the mark on a number of important issues.
Brand refresh
Branding, Website Design

It's great to be challenged by world-leadind scientists
The Bactobio team came to us with several challenges that needed to be overcome to help them communicate better the great work they do. Bactobio have a number of key stakeholder groups, each of whom needed to be addressed, so the first challenge was to create a story that ensured no stakeholder was left out. The second big challenge was to rework the visual identity to give the brand a much needed lift and to add a human touch to a website that was looking too cold and clinical. And last but not least we needed to tell their story better so visitors quickly get who Bactobio are and what they do.

An enhanced visual identity with a cleaner story line
Woosh rearranged the story line to deliver a more impactful message. This was supported by an enhanced visual identity and layout that led the visitor through a clear pathway. We made the site less clinical by introducing a new style of photography featuring people at work, and through a copywritng style with a more human touch.
Woosh Services
Brand Visuals refresh.
Website design.
Brand Story and copywriting.
Dynamic pages for Staff Members (40+) - CV Job Applications, News section, Blog.
Website Build, SEO, Mobile Optimisation, Training.

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